Heber introduces ModulARC (Modular Arcade Controls), designed to help make retro gaming more authentic.
If you play Arcade games, retro console games or classic computer games, you may need a better way to control the on-screen action.
We have developed of a range of Arcade style joysticks and custom controls you can use with original hardware, including Arcade machines and also many emulation and FPGA based gaming systems such as the Heber Multisystem or Heber MultiPi.

Our first ModulARC game controller is for the NeoGeo or Arcade, it features a high quality Arcade Joystick with micro switches and Arcade style 24mm & 30mm buttons.

ModulARC NEO is fitted with a 15 way Dtype cable that connects directly into a NeoGeo AES console, MVS Arcade system or our CTRLDock Classic USB Interface. Two ModulARC NEO’s can be used with the CTRLDock Classic by selecting position 15 on the control knob.
The ModulARC NEO can also connect to any other interface that supports the NeoGeo 15 pin Dtype connection, or adaptors that convert this to alternating systems.

ModulARC NEO has a high quality and very solid 3D printed enclosure, silicone rubber feed to lock it down to your desk and a set of standard buttons on the base – Start / Select 24mm buttons at the front and two general purpose 30mm buttons at the back – for NeoGeo or Arcade these two back buttons are the expanded 5 & 6 or L & R buttons.

The ModulARC range is designed to two separate parts – the solid base and a range of interchangeable cover plates for various controls. A solid M6 bolt connects the top and the base, you can quickly remove the bolt and pull out the controls.
Strong 3D printed enclosure
At over 400g of 3D printed bio plastic (PLA) these enclosures are strong and solid. Internal ribbing and careful internal construction makes these control systems feel great to use.

Buttons can be fitted and removed easily and have a snap-fit construction. ModulARC is designed to feel strong and solid in use.

We have made the ModulARC NEO available in the store, we are looing for feedback on the product and also the idea of MudulARC, if you decide to buy, please let us know how you get on with the control stick and also what system/s did you use it with?
If the ModulARC concept is well received we plan to release more controls in this range, below are a number of prototype controls we are currently testing out at the Retro Collective, The Cave Museum and The Arcade Archive Museum.
We are really interested in what controls you would like to see and also what you want to connect them too?

It’s a ‘Modular’ construction so if you want pink buttons on your NeoGeo style Arcade stick, then go ahead – The ModulARC range uses industry standard 30mm and 24mm buttons and you can also 3D print your own custom control covers to use with the base.
All ModulARC NEO controls come with a laminated vinyl label supplied by our friends at Retrofied, these labels feature an ultra strong and scratch resistant polycarbonate top cover laminated surface.

From 6 button fight sticks to optical trackballs and rotary spinners. Many Arcade style controls are possible with ModulARC.
We hope you enjoy using your ModulARC NEO, and remember we want to hear from you, please let us know how you get on and what Modular Arcade controls you would like to see next…