While having a rummage through the archive we found this article about Marian Electronics (now Heber) from Coin Slot newspaper in 1975. It has some brilliant pictures of Bob and Tony looking Very 70’s.
The article talks about the company moving into the mill, among other things, writing:
“Unit 22 [Belvedere Mill] being in actual fact basically a 16th century mill, with a river running both under it and at the side of it. The water was, of course, used for driving a water wheel many years ago and now incidentally contains some fine trout.”
Which is good to know, as our resident heron certainly enjoys them. The article goes on to say;
“The industrial estate has been formed of many of the old mills and the diverse industries on it provide Marian Electronics with much of their raw materials in the shape of plastics, metal work printing etc. The reel mechanisms and cabinets are virtually the only items not made locally.”
This is something Heber is passionate about continuing, where ever we can we work with local and UK based companies, giving us better traceability of our components, shorter lead times, and strong working relationships with companies in the area.
One last choice quote, which we particularly enjoyed is as follows:
“Marian Electronics would appear to have set about things the right way, applying considerable technical knowledge and skill to sound production methods and a patient approach to the trades requirements. We would imagine that it will be a firm we shall hear a lot more of in the future.”
We are proud to still be working in the same building, with the same work ethos and drive as was highlighted 47 years ago. Heres to many more!