The Internet of Things (IoT) is the connecting of devices embedded with network connectivity. Here at Heber we are committed to using our expertise to ‘demystify’ these seemingly complex technologies.
IoT is the latest development in cloud computing, integrating network technology with server data storage. With Intel estimating that by 2020 there will be 200 billion such connected devices, this growing market is undoubtedly becoming more relevant to the everyday lives of consumers, and manufacturers alike. In recent years however, IoT has been utilised for sending messages to physical devices, making it possible to remotely control machines and equipment.
This new connectivity has an enormous variety of applications. From domestic appliances making them more energy efficient and therefore, cost effective to medical institutions which can use IoT for remote health monitoring and emergency notification systems. For example, in Barcelona, street lighting now relays data about air quality to city agencies, and uses proximity sensors to conserve energy when streets are empty. This reportedly saves the city $37 Million annually.
Heber has been developing this technology for many years. Similar to the lampposts in Barcelona, Heber has designed systems for the remote diagnosis of low stock for vending machines, proximity sensors for human interfaces in domestic appliances, monitoring systems for care homes and app integration with leak detection systems. Most recently Heber assisted with the development of the electronic controls for HomeServe’s LeakBot. A device which can communicate the presence of a leak in a building’s plumbing system, preventing water damage from going unnoticed and saving valuable time and large amounts of money.